What is a break clause?
Paige Skudder discusses break clauses - what they are, the conditions of a clause and the relationship between break clauses and other leases
Rooting for growth: BPE and Hazlewoods advise on share sale of Keystone Environmental Limited
BPE Solicitors’ Corporate team and Hazlewoods Corporate Finance team have recently advised Keystone Environmental Limited on its share sale to Origin Enterprises plc.
BPE Solicitors advises KFC on move into Stroud
As legal property advisors to KFC, BPE’s Commercial property team has acted for the franchise on its acquisition of a new site on Merrywalks Road in the heart of Stroud.
Continuing BPE’s support for The Footprints Foundation
“Be about doing something, not about being somebody'
National Fertility Awareness Week
BPE has a number of life-friendly policies which reflect the firm's understanding that the work-life balance is incredibly important.
One step closer to decentralised finance through Ethereum’s ESG breakthrough
With the climate crisis on the global agenda and ESG concerns on every boardroom’s agendas, your business needs to know about a significant recent ESG-friendly development in the cryptocurrency world.
Family Partner becomes Deputy District Judge
Helen Cankett, Partner and Team Leader of BPE Solicitors’ highly successful Family team has been appointed a Deputy District Judge.
Championing Pioneers, Entrepreneurs and Innovators
BPE Solicitors has been named as a sponsor of the Go:Tech Awards for the second year in a row.
Expertise at BPE reflected in top legal directory rankings
Chambers & Partners have recognised the expertise of BPE solicitors in the latest rankings, with five teams retaining their band rankings and nine solicitors across the commercial and family teams being individually acknowledged in the latest announcements.
Series of acquisitions for KFC
Paul Engelbrecht has advised international fast food restaurant chain, KFC on a recent acquisition.
Ask our Apprentice!
Introducing William Pearce, our first ever Legal Apprentice!
World Mental Health Day 2022: Mental Health First Aiders
BPE has a number of Mental Health First Aiders - people staff can go to for a sympathetic ear and will listen without judgment - who can help support individuals who are struggling.