
News & Events


The benefits of Family Mediation during National Family Mediation week

The spotlight will once again be shone on the benefits of Family Mediation during National Family Mediation week, which runs from 16th to 20th January this year.

There are events being held both for those who work in the Family law arena and for the general public to ensure the word is spread as far as possible. Events range from talks by Divorce Coaches, to information sessions on the mediation process itself, other alternatives to the court processes and presentations about the parenting app “OurFamilyWizard”.

Further information can be found here - https://www.familymediationcouncil.org.uk/family-mediation-week-2023-timetable-of-events/

Family mediation remains an incredibly supportive process for separating couples to help them reach agreements on their financial arrangements and the care of their children. It can improve communication and help parents agree a parenting plan to help with decision-making in the future.

Family mediation starts with an individual Mediation Information & Assessment Meeting (MIAM) which enables someone interested in using mediation to find out more about the process and for the mediator to ensure it is a suitable process. New standards for MIAMs were introduced in October last year to ensure consistency of approach, delivery and experience across the country.

Family mediation also remains a process which works well in both in person and online, which gives couples the flexibility to choose how they mediate and give themselves the best chance of arriving at a set of proposals they are both content with.

If you think family mediation could be of assistance to you, please contact BPE Solicitors’ own Family Mediator, Helen Cankett on 01242 248256 or email helen.cankett@bpe.co.uk.

These notes have been prepared for the purpose of articles only. They should not be regarded as a substitute for taking legal advice.

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