Family Mediation Week 2025 started this week, on Monday 27th January.
The objective of highlighting this week is to reflect the benefits of family mediation for separating couples. Our goal is to increase awareness and encourage families to consider mediation as a constructive way to navigate separation, make informed decisions together, and create a positive future for their family.
What is a MIAM?
This is a Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting and is the first, individual meeting you will have with a family mediator. It is a confidential discussion about your situation and provides you with information about the mediation process and other non-court dispute resolution options. The mediator will assess whether mediation is suitable for you before meeting with your partner/spouse for their MIAM.
What is child-inclusive mediation?
This is where children can be invited to meet with the mediator helping their parents, for a confidential discussion about what is going on for them. The child agrees with the mediator what, if anything, will be fed back to the child’s parents. The parents and, importantly, the child must agree to take part. CIN can help ensure a child’s voice is heard and can help parents reach an agreement about the care arrangements for the child.
Do I have to mediate?
No, mediation is a voluntary process. However, separating couples must consider using some form of non-court dispute resolution before resorting to the court process. By finding out about mediation at a MIAM, many couples decide that it will offer them the support they need to help them reach an agreement.
Is an agreement reached at mediation legally binding?
No, you reach a set of non-binding proposals at mediation which will need to be converted into a binding agreement. This allows the couple to take legal advice on their proposals before they are committed to them.
What’s my first step if I’m interested in mediation?
Reach out to our Family Mediator, Helen Cankett, to book in for your MIAM. The MIAM will take around an hour and can be held in person at our office in Cheltenham or over Teams if that is more convenient for you.