The benefits of Family Mediation during National Family Mediation week

Helen Cankett, Partner in our Family team and qualified Family Mediator, shines a light on the resources available as a result of National Family Mediation Week

Mental Health First Aider’s in the workplace – something to consider?

In this article, Ellie Forsyth discusses her recent experience of qualifying as a workplace Mental Health First Aider here at BPE and whether this is something that employers should be considering.

Trans-Atlantic data sharing arrangements and what may be on the horizon

Macaulay James discusses the current and future plans for data transfers through the new Trans-Atlantic Privacy Framework.

3 tips on how to secure a Training Contract!

We all know how difficult it is securing a training contract. The process has minimum 4 rounds and every firm wants something a little different. So… is it even achievable?

Did you Know?

Following the introduction of the new divorce law in April 2022, the ability to ‘blame’ the other has been removed.

Reclaim your lunch break – supporting employees mental health in the workplace

Did you know that a years’ worth of lunch breaks equates to 30 days of extra annual leave?


In this guest article, David Ashcroft looks at the benefits and potential pitfalls of Partnerships

The Financial Technology Law Review: United Kingdom

Sarah Kenshall wrote the UK chapter of edition 5 of The Financial Technology Law Review, a publication that provides an in-depth global overview of the fast-evolving fintech sector

What is a break clause?

Paige Skudder discusses break clauses - what they are, the conditions of a clause and the relationship between break clauses and other leases

Continuing BPE’s support for The Footprints Foundation

“Be about doing something, not about being somebody'

National Fertility Awareness Week

BPE has a number of life-friendly policies which reflect the firm's understanding that the work-life balance is incredibly important.

One step closer to decentralised finance through Ethereum’s ESG breakthrough

With the climate crisis on the global agenda and ESG concerns on every boardroom’s agendas, your business needs to know about a significant recent ESG-friendly development in the cryptocurrency world.