Is long COVID a disability?
In this article, Sarah Lee explores when long COVID will be a disability and what steps employers can take to protect themselves against disability discrimination claims.
How should my business deal with questions from my employees about discrimination at work?
ACAS has recently published new information on its website to help employees and employers in asking and answering questions concerning discrimination in the workplace. This article considers this new guidance and the key take away points for employers and HR managers.
Supporting employees with cancer or long-term illness diagnosis
Following the news of Dame Deborah James' death recently after her hard-fought battle with bowel cancer, we have had several enquiries as to how employers can better help staff who have received a cancer or long-term illness diagnosis.
BPE Solicitors explores what the future of Private Financial Dispute Resolution could be
While every effort is made to make the divorce process as smooth as possible and to help couples come to a mutually agreeable conclusion, Helen Cankett explains that sometimes, couples can’t agree a financial settlement.
BPE’s Private Wealth team retains ranking for third consecutive year
The Private Wealth team at Gloucestershire based BPE Solicitors has retained its Tier Two ranking in Chambers & Partners High Net Worth directory of recommended lawyers for another year.
BPE Technology team launches a data protection solution – The Global Privacy Hub
The Technology team at BPE Solicitors has the Global Privacy Hub - a cost-effective data protection solution based on what businesses need the most in a data protection world.
What’s next for landlords and tenants in the private rented sector?
Natalie McMahon and Santos Hau consider the recent White Paper published by the Government, outlining their intentions to introduce wide sweeping reforms to the private rented sector.
Auctioning off the High Street – regeneration or political gimmick?
Retail landlords could soon be forced by local authorities to rent out empty premises, or they will be able to step into their shoes and do it for them via compulsory rent auctions, according to the proposed Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill.
Holiday homes in EU member states - how do you wish for it to be treated?
Many UK citizens who have a holiday home in an EU member state may be looking forward to making use of it again this year but how many of them have thought about the treatment of that property if they die?
The price is right – or is it? Share purchase overvaluations and breach of warranties.
Peter Knibbs and Santos Hau consider BPE’s recent successes in securing settlement awards for purchasers of companies, in breach of warranty claims where sellers had provided inaccurate warranties.
Calls for Menstrual Leave in the UK
Following proposals for paid leave for period pain in Spain, will the UK be the next country to implement protection for individuals struggling with menstrual symptoms?
Super surgery property specialists advise on development of major new Cheltenham healthcare surgery
Specialists in super surgery developments advised on the acquisition, construction and financing of the new Wilson Health Centre.