P&O – How the media and government got it wrong

In this article Steve Conlay considers the recent P&O dismissals, the “fire and rehire” culture in the UK and how the media and government continues to misinterpret the entire situation

Beware your repair clause

It is a common misconception that, when taking a lease of commercial property, a tenant only has to return that property at the end of the lease in the same condition in which they took it but this is not the case. Understanding the repair clause in your lease is vital to ensuring you are not left with a very large dilapidations liability when you leave the property at the end of your lease.

When is a trade mark not a trade mark?

Iain Garfield discusses the implications of the decision by Russian authorities to no longer recognise trade marks owned by organisations in some countries.

Supporting employees affected by conflict in the Ukraine

Tom Lattimore looks at the additional support employees who are affected by the conflict in the Ukraine may need.

Recent High Court Case Provides Guidance on “All Reasonable Endeavours” Clauses

The High Court has given guidance on what is needed to satisfy an “all reasonable endeavours” clause in an agreement, following the recent case of Brooke Homes (Bicester) Limited v Portfolio Property Partners Limited and Others [2021] EWCH 3015 (Ch) (“Brooke Homes”).

The effect of COVID on financial settlements on divorce

Jemma Jones looks at the impact that COVID has had on financial settlements in divorce cases.

Whose liability is it anyway?

David Ashcroft continues his analysis of the issues of liability surrounding the cladding of tall buildings.

Every Little Helps: Injunction granted to stop Tesco firing and re-hiring

Will Carter considers the recent High Court Decision in USDAW and others v Tesco, which found an implied term in Tesco employees’ contracts preventing termination of employment with the sole purpose of removing a benefit.

Roses are red, violets are blue, does your workplace relationship policy cover you?

Ellie Forsyth discusses the need for a workplace relationship policy to protect both the business and employees who may enter into a relationship at work.

All training routes lead to BPE

At BPE we pride ourselves in recruiting the right person for a role and encouraging alternative routes to employment.  Apprenticeships have been a real success story...

Properties with cladding – where should the liability lie?

David Ashcroft looks at the topical issue of safety concerns around cladding buildings and who should be liable for repairs and replacing materials.

To disclose or not to disclose, that is the question

Iain Garfield and Steve Conlay discuss the benefits of non-disclosure agreements and when they should be used